Join Camp Metigoshe on our Camp Bus to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer. We will be heading out on July 13 and returning on July 22. The Camp Bus takes youth to the National Youth Gathering by luxury charter bus and exciting activities are planned on the way. Potential stops on the way to New Orleans are Oceans of Fun Water Park in Kansas City, the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis and visiting beaches along the Gulf of Mexico. The Camp Metigoshe staff will also have many fun things planned during the bus ride as well.
This trip is open to youth entering grades 9-12 and their youth leaders. We recommend 1 adult for every 5 youth. We provide the transportation, meals and lodging to and from the National Youth Gathering and congregations are responsible for the National Youth Gathering registration, meals and lodging while in New Orleans and any personal spending money.
The registration deadline is October 1. If you have any questions, please email Katie at or call 701-263-4788. You can also download our brochure by clicking here.