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Harvest Update

The garden has given a wonderful bounty of fresh and delicious produce for our use at camp throughout the camp season.  Now that we are in our last week of camp, we want to share a harvest total with you!

Drum roll please….

Harvesting lettuces - over 30 pounds of organic lettuce were harvested and served at the Lodge this summer!

Over 100 pounds of garden produce harvested and eaten!  And that isn’t counting the many pounds that campers would eat fresh right off the vine or right out of the ground during our devotions at the end of their garden activity time!  Harvests include:  radishes, spinach, lettuce, herbs, chard, cucumbers, garden peas, sugar snap peas, green beans, carrots, potatoes and zucchini.

Campers working at garden tasks

It’s been a great first season so far with many campers of all ages participating in the garden, digging into the dirt and their faith as they watch the miracle of plants growing and producing!  It’s amazing how many kids have said “hey, this tastes really good!  I’ve never had this before!” and “our earth is awesome!”  More details about the summer to come and be looking for our final fall harvest tally later this year!  (still to ripen:  squash, tomato, pepper, pumpkin, melon, dry beans)

Garden in July