There has been lot of recent activity in the Camp Metigoshe Garden, so much so that I haven’t been indoors enough to report on all of it!
The 200+ seedlings at the parsonage are doing well and many are making the protected transition to outdoor life as they spend partial days out on our deck.
The Spring Fling retreat group enjoyed a session on the garden including pitching in by mixing and carting soil and planting our first seeds, the carrots! (I promise, photos will soon follow once our carrot babies start really growing!)
Programmatic staff arrived last week and joined in on the garden excitement by participating in a training session and helping to prepare some of the garden.. Together we smoothed out the soil mixture in the raised beds (26 in all!), cut saplings to use as pea and bean trellis supports, and prepared wood for tomato supports.
Several volunteers are now in the process of installing our deer fence, a must up around camp. We certainly don’t want our garden to turn into an “all-you-can-eat buffet”!
Last but definitely not least in today’s update, there are many wonderful little green plants popping up in the 3 garden beds that we have already planted! The radishes were the first to appear, followed by the beets and lettuces. The spinach is just starting to show and the carrots are almost sprouted. We can’t wait for campers to enjoy these tasty veggies!